
Friends s2-e08

Monica needs work so she takes a freelance job making up Thanksgiving recipes that use a fake (and disgusting) chocolate product called "Mockolate". Meanwhile, Ross has some difficulty choosing between Rachel and Julie, so Chandler suggests they use his new computer to make up a list of Pros and Cons. Although Rachel's list has a few "cons" on it, Julie's major flaw is that she's "'Not Rachel." After Ross tells Rachel he wants to be with her, but before he breaks things off with Julie, Rachel sees the list and is furious! She refuses to talk to Ross even though he breaks up with Julie and makes a twenty-six-page list of all the reasons he wants to be with Rachel.

除了制做環保袋外無紡布還可以用作? |Good laught over hat|環保提示 - 誰是造成氣候暖化的頭號元兇

